Crystal Head Vodka
Crystal Head Vodka is produced through a quadruple-distillation process and is as pure as vodka can be. As a final stage, the liquid is filtered through 500-million year-old crystals known as Herkimer diamonds. An amazing vodka in an amazing bottle!
This extensive process has resulted in a perfect vodka, with absolutely no additives. No glycol (an ingredient for engine anti-freeze); no citrus oil (used in its raw form as an insect exterminant); and no raw sugar. Nothing was needed, because it was abundantly clear that finely produced vodka came by its smoothness and flavor naturally. So in the end, the only things required were a glass and a pure spirit of one’s own.
This extensive process has resulted in a perfect vodka, with absolutely no additives. No glycol (an ingredient for engine anti-freeze); no citrus oil (used in its raw form as an insect exterminant); and no raw sugar. Nothing was needed, because it was abundantly clear that finely produced vodka came by its smoothness and flavor naturally. So in the end, the only things required were a glass and a pure spirit of one’s own.