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Imperial Collection Gold Vodka
The Imperial Collection Gold Vodka is Imperial’s flagship offering. Its recipe dates back to the reign of the Russian Emperor Peter the Great, but its appeal is timeless. Awesome stuff!
The vodka goes through an onerous distillation process which includes 12 distillations, making it one of the purest vodkas that can be bought on the market today. After this it is bottled in a medical glass, carefully preserving the drink’s unique taste. The presentation bottle is also decorated with real 24-carat gold to exhibit it in the fashion that it truly deserves.
The vodka goes through an onerous distillation process which includes 12 distillations, making it one of the purest vodkas that can be bought on the market today. After this it is bottled in a medical glass, carefully preserving the drink’s unique taste. The presentation bottle is also decorated with real 24-carat gold to exhibit it in the fashion that it truly deserves.