Ninth Island Sparkling

Ninth Island Sparkling

  • $24.00*

* Across any 6 bottles of wine, when purchased in store.

This beautiful Tasmanian sparkling is served perfectly with oysters; blinis with smoked salmon and horseradish cream or creamy scrambled egg in tartlet cases.
Winemaker Notes

Delicate pale gold.

Subtle shortbread and nutty overtones from yeast influence combine with floral and raspberry highlights from the pinot noir/meunier grapes. Along with the delicate citrus and pear influence of the chardonnay grapes, the overall impression is of Christmas cake and spice with creme brulee aromas.

A generous and multilayered palate exhibiting expressive pinot noir spices and red berry fruits, complemented by pinot meunier fruit weight. This is balanced by the chardonnay flavours of citrus, mineral and honey, finishing with crisp and lingering acidity.
750 mL

* Across any 6 bottles of wine, when purchased in store.

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